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Dependencies in Bleep are specified almost like in sbt, mill and so on

Java dependency

Java dependencies separate coordinate parts by colon (like sbt's %)

- org.scalameta:svm-subs:101.0.0

Scala dependency

Scala dependencies use two colons after organization (similar to sbt's %%)

- com.monovore::decline:2.3.1

Scala.js / Scala Native dependency

Surprise! These also use two colons, not three like in sbt.

    - com.lihaoyi::pprint:0.8.0

But that's not like sbt does it!?

Bleep flips the default, the easiest syntax should be used for the most common thing.

If you want to add such a Scala JVM dependency to a JS/Native project, you can use the long form and a boolean flag

- forceJvm: true
module: com.softwaremill.sttp.client3::httpclient-backend-fs2:3.3.18

Long form

As seen above, if you manually change this short form

- org.scala-sbt::librarymanagement-core:1.7.1

to this long form:

- module: org.scala-sbt::librarymanagement-core:1.7.1

you can now tweak the dependency further.

 - exclusions:
org.scala-sbt: util-logging_2.13
for3Use213: true
module: org.scala-sbt::librarymanagement-core:1.7.1

You'll also get IDE support for navigating this:

Dependency upon sbt plugins

This lets you build sbt plugins with bleep (note that publishing is not implemented yet)

- isSbtPlugin: true
module: ch.epfl.scala:sbt-scalajs-bundler:0.20.0
- configuration: provided
module: org.scala-sbt:sbt:1.5.5


Note that Bleep has shed support for the most intricate ivyisms. What is left makes the structure much more cacheable, and should be enough for 99% of projects.